Hello, I'm Elitsa

I‘m a UX/UI Designer, helping businesses reach their business goals using digital tools. What makes me passionate about my work is the constraints we face, as designers, and the help I can offer to both end users and businesses. 

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Let’s talk how can I help you:


"Ask the User"

Interviews, surveys, field research, testing – just ask the user whenever the project needs it. Then understand what those needs mean.

"Empathy builds human-centric solutions."

I see empathizing with the human as a key to successfully developed tools. Knowing their deepest pains, we, as designers can make their journey of using the digital easy and enjoyable.

I use empathy and rich understanding of all available data when I work on projects. Curiosity makes me go further in research and validate information through user input and testing. I know a variety of tools that help me throughout this journey.

I love this process, its agility, creativity and uniqueness of every case. It motivates me. This is why I chose UX Design. 

"Simplicity builds innovation."

To be innovative for me is simply found in the saying “Less is more”. I love to deconstruct complex problems and processes and translate them into simple interfaces.

I believe users need as less cognitive load as possible. That is why I avoid redundancy, which saves users’ time and efforts.

"Curiosity leads to creativity."

Curiosity is native to me in the way I work and in the way I live. I see it as a stairway to constant development and upgrade of my abilities, skills and personality.

For me curiosity is one of the  building blocks of the creative process. Curiosity makes me to go further in research and validate information through user input and testing.

“Everything’s been done before” but there certainly is a way to do what is well-known to serve unique needs, depending on each unique case and user segment.